What’s Next in the Wonderful World of Coffee?

While it’s clear the classic cup of coffee is not going away anytime soon, what is fascinating culturally is the way coffee and the fashion in which people drink it seems to be constantly evolving. For example, just a few years ago, not many people could have anticipated the sudden surge in popularity of cold brew, which the majority of coffee drinkers are aware of and about 20 percent are drinking regularly or occasionally.
So, what are the National Coffee Data Trends we should be looking out for as we get ready to move into the ‘20s? Read on to find out!
Single Cup Coffee Brewing Is Down
A few years ago, single cup brewing was all the rage. As new technology made this kind of coffee drinking much more accessible, everyone wanted to take advantage of it. The latest trend seems to be showing a downtrend in single cup brewing.
Of course, this does not mean that single cup brewing is out of fashion by any means. It is still the second most popular brewing method in the United States, right after drip coffee. Instead, it may just mean that single cup brewing is finally setting down and finding its true long-term place in the market.
Gourmet Coffee Is on the Rise
There seems to be no limit to the market for gourmet coffee. Whether it’s a latte, an Americano, or a Macchiato, people love specialty coffee, to the tune of a new high 61 percent past-day consumption.
Cold Brew Is (Still) the New Thing
As mentioned, the popularity of cold brew has taken the world by storm. From almost no awareness of cold brew a few years ago, cold brew has shot up in the popular consciousness, with about 80 percent of coffee drinkers at least being aware of it. Further, more than half of coffee drinkers have at least tried cold brew, with 15 percent of coffee drinkers drinking it on a regular basis.
Coffee Is Good for You!
While the conventional wisdom has long been that coffee is something to be cut down on or avoided as an addictive substance like cigarettes or alcohol, the latest research shows that, on the contrary, coffee can have tremendous health benefits.
Because of this, you can expect the future of coffee to include much more coffee health awareness, and more products designed to capitalize on the health benefits of coffee.
Coffee at Work
More and more companies are recognizing how crucial it is for people to be able to enjoy coffee during the work day. Expect to see more elaborate and well-stocked coffee lounges in offices and in places you visit during your working day. You may have even noticed coffee bars in your bank/ATM location or your local supermarket!
Coffee and Sustainability
A coffee trend that we at The Exotic Bean are always proud to embrace is organic, direct trade, shade grown coffee from Southeast Asia. This coffee has a unique flavor and is made in a way that is better for the environment, and better for the people who grow, harvest, and bring it to our shores.
Enjoying this type of coffee is one great way to do your part for the environment while enjoying some fantastic coffee tastes. If you’d like to try some for yourself, you can order the world’s most sustainable coffee, Paradise Mountain organic coffee, direct from Thailand, at The Exotic Bean right now!