Coffee? There’s an App for That

If you’re reading this article, then chances are good that you’re a coffee lover. And if you’re reading on a smart phone, you’re likely aware that these days, there’s an app for just about everything. Well, your beloved morning pick-me-up is no exception. In this article, we’ll highlight five essential apps for java lovers – coffee apps that will most certainly make your daily life easier.
Ask any barista – they’ll tell you that there’s a science to brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Manual brewing devices such as the ever-popular French press and the various pourover setups put that science fully under your control. But what if you want to up your pourover game and produce the perfect cup of coffee?
Well, Kohi is an iOS app designed to help you do just that. It includes a brew calculator, timer, and recipe manager, and options for all French press and all the most popular pourover coffee makers. Tell the app what you’re working with and it will calculate the perfect temperature, brew time, and beans-to-water ratio for the perfect cup of coffee, every time.

Have you ever been in a strange place and found yourself craving a really great cup of coffee? If you frequently travel for work or pleasure, the answer is probably, “all the time!”
At home, you know all the best local coffee shops, and you know which ones to avoid; but abroad, you’re flying blind… unless you have Beanhunter for iOS. This free app offers listings for more than 8,000 independent coffee vendors across the globe – no big chains here.
Like Beanhunter, CoffeeGuru provides listings for independent coffee shops near you, specializing in third-wave purveyors. But it has an extra trick up its sleeve: the flavor wheel. This handy infographic will help you hone your coffee connoisseurship by breaking down tastes and aromas by category. Is your coffee more floral or fruity? You be the judge.

Android app Baristame bills itself as a coffee guide, but it’s more than that. In addition to providing recipes for all of your favorite coffee drinks, it features a spot-on ratio calculator and step-by-step instructions for all your favorite brew methods. As an added bonus, the user interface is intuitive and quite easy on the eyes.
Art of Coffee
There’s an art to making great espresso, but the latte art on top of the foam really ups the presentation level. Imagine how impressed your friends will be when you make them the perfect latte and top it off with a graceful rosetta. With more than thirty designs and easy-to-follow instructions, Art of Coffee for iOS will have you creating masterpieces in short order.

Coffee, Meet Technology
To a true coffee lover, coffee is one of life’s greatest pleasures, and these five stellar coffee apps can help make it even better. Enjoy!
[Photo Cred: Lifehack; Kohi Labs; Pexels; Coffee Guru]