CBD Coffee: A Treat for Any Season

Coffee drinkers are always looking for new ways to spice up their coffee drinks, and some coffee fans are very innovative with the recipes they come up with. Because of this, it seems like every year there is a brand new coffee craze. Often, these new coffee concoctions are a big hit, enabling you to enjoy your favorite beverage in a way you never have before.
The latest new development in coffee science seems to be the CBD coffee drink. For those unfamiliar with CBD oil, it refers to cannabidiol, a vital ingredient in the cannabis plant, which you may know as the plant that produces marijuana. Unlike marijuana, CBD oil does not get you “high,” but it can confer many of the positive effects of cannabis, such as reduced anxiety, reduced depression, analgesic and anti-inflammation effects.
If you like the idea of these positive benefits but do not want to be in an altered mental state or you are in a location where marijuana use is not legal, CBD oil can be a perfect alternative for you. One of the best ways for you to enjoy it is, of course, in your coffee! In that spirit, here are three CBD-based coffee drinks you are sure to love, no matter what season you find yourself in.
Pumpkin Spice Latte With CBD!
For many coffee lovers, autumn means one thing: the pumpkin spice latte, sometimes referred to briefly as the PSL. As great as pumpkin spice lattes are, if you can believe it, a CBD pumpkin spice latte can make you feel even better. Here’s how to make one, courtesy of EmilyKyleNutrition.com:
Heat a cup of your favorite brewed coffee with a quarter cup of pumpkin puree, a tablespoon of coconut sugar, a half teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, and a half teaspoon of pure vanilla extract in a medium saucepan over medium heat for three to five minutes.
Separately, add two cups of coconut milk to a frothing pitcher and put on medium heat until the temperature reaches 100-150 degrees. Take the pitcher off the heat and keep frothing when the temperature hits 160 degrees. Froth in a circular and up and down motion until you have one or two inches of foam.
When the coffee is finished cooking, split into two mugs and split 1 ml of CBD oil between them. Now add the milk, holding the foam back with a spoon, at a ratio of two parts milk to one part coffee. Spoon on foam, add nutmeg to taste and enjoy!

Golden Turmeric Latte With CBD
Turmeric is well known in the East for its incredible anti-inflammatory and health properties. Combine it with CBD and you can get a pain relieving, relaxing coffee that tastes great and makes you feel great, too. Raw Guru has a simple (and vegan!) recipe for you to try. Their recipe is milk only, but of course, you’ll want to try the coffee version.
For 12 ounces of coffee, mix together a cup of unsweetened nut milk, four ounces of your favorite coffee, one and a half tablespoons of coconut butter, 300 mg of CBD, two teaspoons of raw honey, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder, ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg powder, two dashes of black pepper, a teaspoon of minced, peeled ginger root, a quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of Himalayan salt.
Blend it all until smooth and heat on a stovetop to the desired temperature. Garnish with nutmeg and you’re ready to drink!
Peppermint Chocolate Espresso With CBD
We’ve got the latte crowd handled, but what if you’re an espresso fan and you want to enjoy the benefits of CBD in your coffee? Healthline has you covered with this great CBD Peppermint Chocolate Espresso recipe. Here we go:
To start, first make a double shot of espresso and set it aside. Put a tablespoon of unsweetened drinking chocolate in a mug with a half-teaspoon of sugar. Add 1 ml or your preferred dose of peppermint-flavored CBD oil. Pour the espresso into the mug and stir. Add a quarter to a half-cup of creamer microwaved for 30 seconds beforehand. Use a frothing tool to mix it all together.
CBD coffee drinks are even better with great coffee. For delicious, organically shade-grown, direct-trade coffee from Thailand, visit TheExoticBean.com.
[image via: Raw Guru]