The Exotic Bean

Industry Secrets for Getting the Perfect Batch of Cold Brew

Ready to Make the Perfect Batch of Cold Brew Coffee at Home?

cold brew coffee guide

One of the wonderful things about coffee is how many ways there are to drink it. One unique style of coffee preparation that has soared in popularity in recent years is cold brew coffee. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’ll want to get ready to very soon!

Ten years ago, the idea of cold brewed coffee would have been met with little more than confused stares. Today, cold brew can be found everywhere, from coffee shops to supermarkets to people’s homes. In this post, we’ll go over exactly what process you need to follow to create the perfect batch of cold brew coffee that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.

Cold Brew Coffee: Extraction Is the Secret

A cut above mere iced coffee, cold brew involves cold extraction, a brewing process that keeps more flavor sealed in by not adding the heat that would typically release it. If you’re making cold brew at home, know that it is somewhat of a time-consuming process, but most coffee lovers feel it is well worth the effort.

However, because it takes so much time (typically a day of steeping your coffee grounds is required), you want to make sure that when you do it, you do it right. Here are some secrets for making great cold brew coffee – right from the experts.

cold brew guide

Cold Brew Coffee Tips

  1. Start with great coffee beans – You’d be surprised how many people don’t take the time to find the right coffee beans when starting to make cold brew. These same people are then surprised when it doesn’t taste as great as everyone says it does. If you’re going to cold brew, go ahead and do it with whatever your favorite or most flavorful coffee beans are. Typically, dark roasts are best for making cold brew coffee.
  2. Grind the coffee beans yourself – Once you find the right beans, be sure to grind them yourself. The size of your grinds are very important when it comes to coffee brewing. In the case of cold brew, you want coarser grinds so you can steep them for a long time without the results becoming too bitter. The best way to make sure the grinds are the right size is to do it yourself!
  3. Control the ratio of water to coffee grounds – Figuring out the ratio of water to coffee grounds is one of the most challenging and important issues when it comes to making cold brew coffee. Many industry experts suggest a ratio something like 8:1, or about eight parts water to one part coffee.

Start here, and then experiment with the flavor that you get over the first few batches. If your cold brew coffee ends up being a bit weak, use a smaller ratio next time. If it’s too strong, use more water.

  1. Take enough time – The longer you steep your grinds, the better the cold extraction process tends to work. Around 16 to 24 hours is good, so start the process the night before you plan to strain. Store it in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. When you do finally strain your grinds, you again want to take your time. If you force it, you could end up with bitter cold brew, which is what we are trying to avoid.
  2. Double strain the cold brew coffee – A great industry tip is to strain twice, first through a cheesecloth or similar mesh sieve, then, strain again through a coffee filter to get as many grounds out as possible.

Where to Find the Best Coffee to Make Cold Brew With

If you’re looking for great coffee to start your cold brew with, look no further than The Exotic Bean. We offer delicious, flavorful free trade coffee that can be enjoyed hot, cold brewed, iced, French Pressed or however you care to drink it. Order some today and discover the difference that amazing coffee makes!

Check out the Coffee Grind Size Chart to Answer Your Questions! Courtesy of Happy Barista!